my oc world

Name: Yumeko
Age: 20
Gender: nonbinary transfem
Pronouns: he/him
Species: dwarf hotot rabbit, eldritch horror


Yumeko is incredibly nervous and jumpy, and rarely speaks if not spoken to. When he does speak, he refers to himself in the third person as "Yami-chan," and generally struggles to form sentences in a way that makes sense. He learns very quickly and has very quick reflexes, so he's generally good at reacting fast in a crisis. He loves to read and to learn things about what it's like to be a "normal person," and he spends a lot of his time staring off into space caught in his own thoughts. He's very socially awkward and doesn't react very well to being spoken to or included in friendly interaction, but nonetheless he tries his best.


Yumeko was born in a strange in between of not truly eldritch, but not truly anything else either. He essentially came into existence one day as a young adult after previously being formed in the cosmos, and ever since then found himself running away from the beings he's descended from, while trying to stay as far away from normal beings as possible. He became the strange, not talked about presence in the town he was in, always appearing in places he shouldn't be and always staring at you from across the way. He ended up taking up residence in an abandoned house, that he warped to be his own and eventually barricaded so that he wouldn't be attached by other horrors while inside it. However, he eventually started wanting to live more of a "normal" life, one where he wasn't as isolated - as such, he inserted himself into the setting of a local college, and started attending classes there daily. He spends part of his time doing this, and the rest either locked up at home or being transported to other realms in space time, where he continually tries to run away from the being he's supposed to be.
View his gallery here!